Triad Metals International Z Profile PZC 19
At the core of our company’s mission
is the importance of strong relationships that extends from
our employees to our customers and vendors alike. The
need to innovate and constantly look ahead is another
guiding directive of our professional team. We understand
the importance of working for our customers’ continued
satisfaction through excellent response and commitment to
provide the steel needed to meet your needs. We work hard
to develop long term, mutually beneficial relationships. At
Triad Metals we remain steadfast in delivering exceptional
service to each and every customer, each and every day
Product Details
Section :
PZC 19 -
Width :
25.00 in
635 mm -
Height :
15.30 in
389 mm -
Flange Thickness :
.420 in
11 mm -
Web Thickness :
.420 in
11 mm -
Single Pile Weight :
55.0 lbs/ft
81.8 kg/m -
Wall Weight :
26.4 psf
129 kg/m² -
Elastic Section Modulus :
36.1 in³/ft
1941 cm³/m -
Plastic Section Modulus :
cm³/m -
Moment of Inertia :
276.7 in⁴/ft
37786 cm⁴/m -
Cross Sectional Area :
cm²/m -
Coating Area Both Sides :
5.60 ft²/ft
0.52 m²/m -
Coating Area Wall Surface :