Nucor Skyline Pan Profile SKL 9
The SKS range is slightly larger than the SKL range. The SKS sheets are very wide so they are excellent for low, long walls where speed of construction is important.
Product Details
Section :
SKL 9 -
Width :
21.65 in
550 mm -
Height :
3.54 in
90 mm -
Flange Thickness :
0.157 in
4 mm -
Web Thickness :
mm -
Single Pile Weight :
15.52 lbs/ft
23.1 kg/m -
Wall Weight :
8.60 psf
42 kg/m² -
Elastic Section Modulus :
2.55 in³/ft
137 cm³/m -
Plastic Section Modulus :
3.28 in³/ft
176 cm³/m -
Moment of Inertia :
4.50 in⁴/ft
615 cm⁴/m -
Cross Sectional Area :
2.53 in²/ft
54 cm²/m -
Coating Area Both Sides :
4.23 ft²/ft
0.39 m²/m -
Coating Area Wall Surface :
1.17 ft²/ft²
0.1 m²/m²
Bent Corners