JD Fields & Company Z Profile AZ 17-700
Among the two processes from which steel sheet piling is produced; hot rolled and cold-formed, there are certain design aspects that may or may not be suitable for all geostructural applications. JD Fields offers a wide range of cold form sheet piles and hot-rolled sheet piles in Hat, U & Z shapes that span a broad geostructural spectrum. There are both technical and economic pros and cons to the products and intended use. It is our goal to help engineering and construction professionals navigate the technical nuances of cold form and hot-rolled piles through the design, specification, and installation processes.
Product Details
Section :
AZ 17-700 -
Width :
27.56 in
700 mm -
Height :
16.52 in
420 mm -
Flange Thickness :
0.335 in
9 mm -
Web Thickness :
0.335 in
9 mm -
Single Pile Weight :
49.12 lbs/ft
73.1 kg/m -
Wall Weight :
21.38 psf
104 kg/m² -
Elastic Section Modulus :
32.2 in³/ft
1731 cm³/m -
Plastic Section Modulus :
37.7 in³/ft
2027 cm³/m -
Moment of Inertia :
265.3 in⁴/ft
36229 cm⁴/m -
Cross Sectional Area :
6.28 in²/ft
133 cm²/m -
Coating Area Both Sides :
6.10 ft²/ft
0.57 m²/m -
Coating Area Wall Surface :
1.33 ft²/ft²
0.1 m²/m²