Hammer & Steel Z Profile ESZ 24*
Hammer & Steel sells and rents Grade 60 steel sheet piles. These sheet piles give a quantifiable improvement of 20% in design life compared to a sheet pile in grade 50 steel. On a project with a life expectancy of 75 years that’s an additional 15 years of life.
Using grade 60 in design can often lead to reducing a sheet pile size to carry the same loading. Weight saving of 30% or more are realistic.
Product Details
Section :
ESZ 24* -
Width :
24.80 in
630 mm -
Height :
16.89 in
429 mm -
Flange Thickness :
0.472 in
12 mm -
Web Thickness :
0.354 in
9 mm -
Single Pile Weight :
57.15 lbs/ft
85 kg/m -
Wall Weight :
27.65 psf
135 kg/m² -
Elastic Section Modulus :
45.63 in³/ft
2453 cm³/m -
Plastic Section Modulus :
cm³/m -
Moment of Inertia :
384.82 in⁴/ft
52550 cm⁴/m -
Cross Sectional Area :
8.12 in²/ft
172 cm²/m -
Coating Area Both Sides :
5.83 ft²/ft
0.54 m²/m -
Coating Area Wall Surface :