EMSTEEL Z Profile EZ 40-700
Hot rolled steel sheet piling has been manufactured and
used in the construction industry for over 100 years. During
this time the product has been continually developed
and evolved to make it more useful, more efficient and
more sustainable to modern construction projects.
Product Details
Section :
EZ 40-700 -
Width :
27.56 in
700 mm -
Height :
20.12 in
511 mm -
Flange Thickness :
0.630 in
16 mm -
Web Thickness :
mm -
Single Pile Weight :
88.83 lbs/ft
132.2 kg/m -
Wall Weight :
38.67 psf
189 kg/m² -
Elastic Section Modulus :
74.68 in³/ft
4015 cm³/m -
Plastic Section Modulus :
cm³/m -
Moment of Inertia :
750.96 in⁴/ft
102550 cm⁴/m -
Cross Sectional Area :
11.36 in²/ft
240 cm²/m -
Coating Area Both Sides :
m²/m -
Coating Area Wall Surface :